Employee Interview - Nikki

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Nikki is the store manager at 5 Pound, and she is an awesome member of our team! She’s a customer service rockstar and you can always find her with a smile on her face. She also knows everything there is to know about where our products come from and how they help others. Nikki’s positive attitude, great sense of humor, and obsession with dogs are just a few of the things we love about her. Here’s just a glimpse at all the things that make Nikki so amazing.


What do you like most about working at 5 Pound Apparel?

I love that as a store we get to teach our customers about conscious consumerism and sustainable fashion. It is wonderful to know that we can have a lasting impact on how the customers see the products they are purchasing, wether that is with us here in the store or how they buy items in the future.

What is your favorite brand or product that we carry and why?

It is really hard to pick just one, but one of my top picks would have to be The Giving Keys. I love just about everything about them, from the style of the jewelry to the mission. I have a mini key with the word LOVE on it that I wear almost every day, it brings me joy and looks great with everything. Their mission really touches me. They are proof that with a willingness to help the homeless you can turn lives around. It has been really awesome to see them grow as a brand, just like we have.

Where are 5 things that make you happy?

  • My dog; she is the best!
  • My nephew; he is the happiest baby I've ever met, and that joy just rubs off.
  • A great latte; The Press and Coffee Ethic always rock them!
  • Song fate; when you are getting out of the car and the song ends at the same time.
  • Singing in the shower; my shower-head is my biggest and only fan. 

What is the secret to your positive attitude and joyful spirit?


I'm not sure that I have a secret, but I think that it is the way that I go through life. I am okay with letting myself be sad when I need to be. Letting myself be sad keeps me from bottling up feelings and holding on to the negative. When you let go of the negative you have more room to be truly happy. The longer I have lived by this method the shorter the sad times become. Also, I don't diet. Food makes me happy so I'm gonna eat.



Laura Payne | Feb. 19, 2019

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